Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Around 5am the day after Christmas, Kelly started his 12 hour drive to Jacksonville to pick up the kids. Around 5am on the 27th, he loaded the fantastic four into the car and made the trek back to M-town. I can only imagine driving for 24 hours...12 of it with 4 kids in the back of the car. I am amazed every time he does this. He never complains, he just does. He pushes himself as far as he can go to be able to spend the maximum amount of time he can with the kids. I am so proud of him for his relentless determination to be a constant presence in their lives. What a man I have.

While Kelly was driving his 24 hour trip, I was busy preparing for the kids big Christmas celebration. I had the house all decorated, their rooms ready, all the gifts wrapped, and dinner in the oven. (macaroni and cheese, broccoli casserole, bread and tenderloin). When the kids finally arrived on the 27th, my whole family came over. Maci and Trevor (my brother's niece and nephew) came too. The kids ripped through their presents in record time, despite that Jude had removed all the name tags and we didn't know whose present was whose. Silly bug.

Bryce w/ all my gift trim...bows and bells.
Rece was Santa and handed out all the goods
Kami in hello kitty heaven
Kyky ripping the paper!
Jude playing with his toy from Granny K & Grandpa

Leading up to the kids visit, I had pipe dreams of doing all kinds of things. Anyone who knows me well, knows I love nothing more than to PLAN! But, as fate would have it, I caught a terrible cold virus. I kept trying to get up and do as much as possible and Kelly kept telling me to sit or lay down. I was a snotty mess. However, we still hit the town for as many Memphis Christmas activities as we could. On the 28th, we went to Snowy Nights at Botanic Gardens. It was my first time going to Snowy Nights, and I have to say it was super cute! They had a snow pit, snow machine, life-size light bright wall, and tons of Christmas lights.

B & R in the snow pit
Cutest snowman ever....wait it's a snow-girl. Opps!
standing under the snow machine!

Kelly had the week off, but on Wednesday he had to go into work. My sweet mom took a vacation day to come watch Jude and I took all the big kids to see Yogi Bear 3D.

We also took everyone to Starry Nights, which is a drive thru Christmas light show at Shelby Farms. I have been going to Starry Nights since I was a kid, so it was nice to carry on the tradition. The Memphis Zoo (awesome zoo), opened an ice skating rink. The kids loved it! Kelly not so much. He is no Scott Hamilton. Kam held tight to her Daddy or big brother the whole time. But, Kyle was cracking me up...he would bust so hard and just get right back up. He was soaked when we finished and we had to run to the car, so he wouldn't turn into an 3 foot ice cube.

Yes...I know...they really are that CUTE!

Couple skate (Daddy & his girl)

The best part of the trip was an activity I had not planned. The boys received remote control cars, so we took them outside in our cove to give them a test drive. As they were playing, Kelly decided to take the training wheels off Kyle's Go-Go Diego bike. He helped Kyle onto the bike, gave him a few instructions, a push, and our sweet Kyky was off! No training wheels! You could not wipe the smile off Kyle's face. He was so proud of himself...and we were so proud of him! It was one of those special moments I will never forget.
Action shot & YES, we made a ramp!
The cheering section
Such focus
Look at that smile...pure joy

Goodbyes are always the hardest, and we hated to see the fantastic four go back to Florida. Counting down the days until we are all together again! Remember to hug your loved ones tight...Love to all. ~ Anna


  1. Great pictures! Love the ramp!! Yall are such fun parents!

  2. Anna- I have so enjoyed reading your blog! I found your blog through the Harrison Family from Kelly's Korner Blog. I, too, am a stepmom. Sometimes it's not an easy road, but definitely worth the added blessing to the family. God bless you and your family. Love,
    Jessica Springfield, MO

  3. Thanks for your sweet comment Jessica. I am flattered
